Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday Night Five: Manicotti Dinner

Today while I was thinking about what to cook for dinner tonight, I thought about Manicotti. That is one of Mike's favorite things for me to fix and usually on the weekend is when I fix a big meal. I  like to cook a big meal, but don't always have the time during the week AND we don't need to eat like that every night. But one night a week it's nice to have a good, home cooked, fattening meal. So I did fix Manicotti, but with a little twist, I did Crab stuffed Manicotti and then regular Manicotti stuffed with the usual ricotta cheese mix and then added some sun dried tomatoes. It was really good!  There were 5 of us eating tonight. My Mom, brother and one of my brothers friends ate with Mike and I.  Just to make sure we had enough, I also fixed some ravioli (it was frozen, so just had to cook it.) But the rest I made myself. So we had the Manicotti, Ravioli, (with fresh grated Parmesan) Italian Green Beans, Salad with sun dried tomatoes, bread and of course red wine. For dessert I made my own version of Banana Croquettes - they were good too!

So now we are all stuffed!!! I am finishing off my wine and thinking about taking a nice, long, relaxing bath in the jacuzzi! Mike is chillin and watching John Q, a really good movie!!!

Oh and I am praying for my best friend, Ashley. She sent me a text at 3 a.m. and said she was on her way to the ER because she was having bad pains , bleeding and a fever! I was SO worried when I got her text this morning. I text her back (was afraid to call in case she was resting) and she was still in the ER. She was about to go home and rest. I wanted to call her when I got off work, but was worried that I would wake her, and she really really needs her rest. So - I hope she is doing better!! I wish I was there to help her or do something for her. But I guess the best thing I can do is pray that she will recoup and get to feeling back to normal!! 

Happy Saturday and I wish everyone a blessed weekend! 

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