Thursday, January 5, 2012

Catching up . . . . Christmas 2012

It's officially 2012! Hope everyone had a Happy New Year and wonderful Christmas! I can't believe it's all over! Boy did it go by fast! Too fast! I'm always sad when the Christmas season is over! It's the excitement of family getting together, gift giving, and just the magical feeling in the air. But it has come and gone and now it's back to the busy, day to day schedule! I'm needing to get back in gear and work, work, work, but I have been under the weather this week with a terrible cold! Hubby had it last week and now I have it! No fun at all! But I think I'm starting to get well!

Wanted to share photos and more about our Christmas. I'm going to pick only my favorite photos so I don't do a photo overload - however there will still be several - so bear with me!

Let's start with Christmas Eve! We did our traditional Christmas Eve eats & treats, went to church, and exchanged a few gifts (which is always new Christmas PJ's!) We've been opening new pajamas on Christmas Eve since I was a little girl. My Mom started that tradition and I still look forward to it each year!

Me and my fam at church

My Parents
Favorite part of church on Christmas Eve . . . . the candlelight service! So beautiful!

A few Christmas Eve eats & treats!

Opening Christmas PJ's

My brother playing some Christmas tunes!

My sweet boys!

Me & Ashley

Ashley & my Brother

Mom & me!

Christmas morning & STOCKINGS!! I love goodies in stockings!

Our little family on Christmas morning before the gift giving and gift opening fun!

My brother playing with M's new guitar I got him!

Coffee & the German Christmas cake, Marzipan Stollen. My maiden name and dad's side of the family is German and I started the tradition of eating Stollen on Christmas several years ago when I learned about it from working at the German jewelry company, Charlotte!

Dad opening a gift from me - I purchased a drawing of downtown Memphis from a local artist over the summer, then got it framed. My parents lived in Memphis for many years and recently moved to TX and I wanted him to have a part of Memphis at their new home or at his office at work! He loves Beale Street and the blues and his favorite place is Rum Boogies and BB Kings - so this was just perfect because it shows both!

Table set for Christmas dinner!

Our shrimp cocktails we have before Christmas dinner every year!

Our annual Beef Wellington made by my mom! She's been making this for 28 years!!! We always look forward to it! Such a great tradition she started! Not to mention - DELISH!!

My Mom and my brother! This was right after dinner and clearing the table and she still looks great after literally being in the kitchen ALL day!


Such a wonderful Christmas!! So blessed!

1 comment:

Dee Stephens said...

Your table looks awesome and I have been DYING to try and make a Beef Wellington.
I've heard of other families doing to the bells on top and would love to start that tradition one day..
Have you ever made one?
Look so intimidating!!