I hate that I'm just now posting about Thanksgiving, but I have been out of town and haven't had much time!
Thanksgiving was great! My parents came in from Dallas, and my brother from Nashville and we were all together - which is what Thanksgiving is all about! We were with my dad's side of the family on Thanksgiving day - which was so much fun as usual! We had a great meal and visit with everyone.

{Us on Thanksgiving day at my uncles house. If you look behind me - there is an old pie safe - which was my great grandmothers! I always love looking at it!}
After we ate and visited at my Uncles house - we went to my grandparents to visit for a while! My grandparents have a dog that they are just crazy about - and a cat! The cat and dog are friendly and I captured the cutest photo of my Grandpa in his chair with his 2 pets! SO cute!!!

I always think half the fun of Thanksgiving is having leftovers to enjoy - so since we were going out of town for the day for Thanksgiving - I decided to fix some things at my house for us to enjoy and eat on for a couple days. I made my first Turkey. I was pretty nervous about it and did the typical mistake of buying the Turkey the day before I was planning to cook it. I googled some tips on thawing it out and once it was all said and done - it was perfect! Not bad for my very FIRST turkey - If I do say so myself! My family loved it too and said it tasted great! Score!!

Another first for me for Thanksgiving was making a Pumpkin Pie! I cook quite a bit but this is one thing I have never made. I guess because my Mom is always the one who makes it and so I have never tried. Since my parents were traveling over the holiday - I took it upon myself to give pumpkin pie a try! And like the turkey - I think it was a success!! Pretty proud of how it turned out! I added some pecans for decoration!

I have some more pictures of Thanksgiving, but these are the main ones I wanted to share. I will share one more though that I just LOVE - my dad was sitting on our couch relaxing and my sweet baby boy, Mr. Big was hanging out with him! Love this!! I had Mr. Big in his cute Thanksgiving scarf too! He has scarves for each season! He's a festive, fashionable little fellow!

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