Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Show 'n Tell Tuesday: Clean Slate Riesling


Tell: My family and I enjoyed plenty of good wine over the holiday weekend. One was Clean Slate, which is a Riesling. I had it a a party about a month ago and loved it so much. I looked for it at the liquor store I usually go to since it's right up the street, and for a while they didn't have it. To my surprise I saw it last week and so I knew we would have to get some this weekend. We got one bottle Saturday night and it was so good I had to get another bottle the next night. We had so me other types of wine, but I think we all really enjoyed this one. My dad likes Riesling or Pinot Gri and so I knew he would love this, and he did! It just has such a great taste. It's crisp and refreshing! I definitely recommend this! And the price is great too . . . around $12!


LC said...

i love a good pinot and reisling...i'll try this one! thanks:)

Annie said...

mmm, love pinot!
i will have to try this!

i also tried a new beverage this weekend...sweet tea vodka, it's THEBEST! ;)

Brown Girl said...

Yum, I'll have to try this, I love Riesling!