Okay, I have a lot I want to post about my day yesterday and my upcoming plans for the weekend. Mike and I are going to my hometown (where I pretty much grew up and went to highschool) NWA this weekend to see my BFF Ash and her new baby girl, Avery. I haven't gotten to see Avery yet so as you can imagine, I am SUPER excited! I wanted to be there when Ash had her, but I thought about it and decided I would go a little later after she got settled and used to her new routine as a full time Mommy. I knew she would have a ton of people around her 24/7 the first few weeks and be adjusting, so I thought going a little later would be best and would allow her to enjoy our visit more. So I'm SO excited. I'm getting off work a little early today, running a few errands, then Mike and I are hitting the road! YAY!!
Yesterday, I had a Dr.'s appointment before work at 3 (I closed the store last night so went to work after my appointment.) I called the other day because for the past 2 weeks I have been having REALLY bad cramping pains. One day it was so bad I didn't even think I could drive my self home from work and I thought I was going to have to pull over & have Mike come and get me. But I made it home and just got in bed in my work clothes. I was in so much pain and curled up in the fetal position. Mike was worried! I took Aspirin, Tylenol, Alieve . . . .and after about 3 hours the pain went down some.I was starting to think I was going to have to go to the ER. That was the worst day. I have had pains twice since thin, not as bad, but still not fun. So My Dr. fit me in after I described the type of pains I was having (Thank God!) They did an ultra sound and come to find out I have 2 cysts on my right ovary - which made sense because the pain was the strongest on the right side. They are kind of on top of each other which is weird. She said they may go away after my next period and so I am going back in 6 weeks. She gave me an RX for Loritab - which I am only going to take if it gets really really bad - otherwise I'll stick to Extra Strength Tylenol. So that was that and I was glad to know what was going on b/c I just knew something wasn't right!
I worked till 8, then ran to the store to pick up a few things, and was trying to think what we could have for dinner. I didn't really want us to get take out (although that would've been easy) since we are going out of town and will be eating out some then. I knew we had pasta in the pantry so Mike got that started for me. I had to do something quick and easy since it was gong to be almost 9 p.m. by the time I got home. I thought we had some meat sauce in the fridge, but half way home M called and said there wasn't any in there. I knew we had crushed tomatoes, which I would be fine doing over pasta - but M would not want just a tomato sauce. So I got home and looked around a little and without going to the store, I used things we had and made a YUMMY, oh so good pasta dish! I will share the recipe! It was so quick and easy and SOOO good!! We had that with some salad and Italian dressing, and then some bread with EVOO. We don't always eat dessert, but I decided to whip a little something up for dessert too - again using things we had and what I came up with was again SO good and SOOO easy! We had a package of Pecan Twirls and a little creme cheese icing left from when I had baked a cake. I stuck the Pecan Twirls in the microwave for a few seconds, then put the icing on top, then topped each one with a pecan. So good and again so stinkin simple! I thought that would be great to do for a party, breakfast, whatever. And they were cute too!
After that I worked on a few things that I am taking to my BFF - I always have to take goodies to her! I packed a little and layed most of my things out so that way I can grab it all and go. Since I never know what we may do or where we may go, or most importantly, what I might wear, I packed several pairs of shoes! ha ha! I could probably make it with 2 or 3 pairs, but I've done that before and gotten there and wished I had brought a pair to go with an outfit! So I took all of the ones I thought I might would wear! Ash and I LOVE to share clothes. I take a ton of things so she can wear it while I'm there and then I raid her closet! It's so fun! Unfortunately the only thing we've never been able to share are shoes . . sorry Ash! My foot is just a little smaller then hers.
Oh and one more thing I forgot - when I got to work yesterday there was a gift waiting for me from my friend and co-worker Tanja! She is German and so sweet! Her and her family just got back from Bermuda after going there to celebrate her parents 50th wedding anniversary. She brought me back some Bermuda Coconut Rum!!! I am normally not a big Rum fan, but I will definitely have to try this and maybe even find some recipe I can use it with too! That was so kind of her to think of me! Thank you Tanja!
So off to NWA it is and I will post pics of our fun weekend!

My Pasta Creation Recipe (Need to think of a name for it . . .)
(Keep in mind that everything I used where just things I already had at home. I think this would also be so good with chicken or even ground beef in it. If I had more time, I would've used a casserole dish and put the noodles in first, then the ricotta and tomato mixture on top, then topped with cheese and bacon . . .but I will do that next time . . . this is my super quick version!)
1 pckg of Rigatoni Pasta (or any other type of pasta)
1 15oz container Ricotta cheese (I used only about ½ the container)
Pckg shredded Italian cheese (or shredded Moz.)
Bag of REAL crumbled bacon (Hormel)
2 cans of diced tomatoes (I used chilis style since that's what I had. I liked it b/c it had a little flavor and spices already added to it.)
1 pckg tomato garlic pesto seasoning (for chicken, beef & pork - you find this down the soup isle I think.)
*Take the 2 cans of tomatoes, mix with half the container of ricotta (you can use more than half if you want.) Mix together with the garlic pesto seasoning. If doing a super quick version, cook your pasta, and heat up the tomato, ricotta mixture in the microwave. Then turn oven on broil and top the sauce with the shredded cheese and bacon and put it in the oven till the top starts to melt good or become a tad crispy - don't leave it in there too long! Then spoon the sauce over your past per serving. If you have more time, do it in the oven as I suggested above. The Oregano and Basil I added in the sauce or you can add it at the very end on top of the dish - just a dash or 2 of each (along with some Parmesan cheese too if you like.) Again, you can also try this with chicken or ground beef added to the pasta! Bon Appetit!
Have fun in NWA!! Hubby and I went to school at Arkansas! That post looks so freaking yummie!!
your BFF has the cutest little girl! i follow her blog too ;) might be how i found yours, or hers! ha! i bet you are super excited to visit her and her little bow wearing princess!! i hope you two have a wonderful visit! find out how she makes those adorable bows and share the secret! i want to know for future use (i'm convinced i'll have a little girl) lol!
your dinner looks super yummy! i'm vegetarian but is still sounds delish ;) i could make it without bacon ;) i'm a cheese and pasta lover!
i'm glad you went to the doctor, crazy how gut instincts prove right! good to hear you are okay though, i hope the pain has gone away!
oh and your shoes! i want them all! i have one pair....the steve maddens with the black ruffle thing on them, they are my fave! i wear them allll the time. sad to say but they are the one pair of shoes i purchased this summer and i have worn them to the bone. the black has already worn off part of the cork :( hopefully i can salvage them a little ;)
p.s. thank you so much for the super sweet comment yesterday! means a lot :) i will for sure let you know if i need help.
Have a blast!
i am such a shoe person. love all your shoes. i try to eat at home but it is hard. this week i ate at home only once. have a wonderful weekend.
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